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Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Effective Remedies to Cure Constipation caused by Vata Imbalance

People who have Vata Dosha usually reflect the given below symptoms:
Effective Remedies to Cure Constipation caused by Vata Imbalance
Effective Remedies to Cure Constipation caused by Vata Imbalance

Dryness of skin, hair, ears and eyes


Sleep Problems

Craving for Salty and Spicy foods

Constipation and Bloating

Muscle Spasms


Weight Loss

To balance the Vata it is required to :

Go to bed before 10:00 PM

Have a Vata Pacifying diet which includes: heavy fools like oil and ghee, drink plenty of fluids such as pureed soups, cooked food, hot cereal rice pudding and hot beverages.

Include Nuts, Carrots, asparagus, tender leafy greens, beets, sweet potatoes and summer squash such as zucchini and lauki squash, (Indian vegetable),Have warm water throughout the day.

Basmati Rice cooked with little ghee and salt for additional flavor. Wheat is also good.

Have  boiled milk before going to bed with organic triphala powder.

Constipation ,Causes and it’s Affect on the Human Body:

Constipation is basically a vata condition as it shows Vata symptms like dryness and hardness of stool.it is usually caused due to lack of fibre in the daily diet ,heavy intake of non- veg food particularly meat ,less intake of water and lack of proper exercise.

Constipation may cause bad breath,acne,acidity,ulcers in the mouth ,lack of proper sleep and acidity.

The causes of constipation are sedentary lifestyle,irregular eating habits,stress  and large intake of caffeine in the form of tea or coffee.

Remedies of Constipation caused by Vata Imbalance:

Taking a Vata Pacifying Diet

A Vata Pacifying diet can help a great deal in treating constipation. Avoid cold foods and drinks, dried fruits and salads. Preference should be to have warm foods,warm drinks and vegetables that are well cooked.

Triphala-the best remedy

One of the most effective remedies to cure constipation is to have triphala .You can have it in the form of tea or make a powder mixture by grinding  Â¼ teaspoon of triphala,1/2 teaspoon of coriander seeds and ¼ teaspoon of cardamom seeds. Cardamom and coriander seeds help relieve indigestion.

Milk and Ghee

A very gentle and effective means of relieving constipation is to take one or two teaspoons of ghee in hot milk before going to bed.Best cure for people with Vata and Pitta constitutions.

Bael Fruit Pulp

You can either make Bael Sherbet and have it with tamarind water and jaggery added to it before dinner or Have about half cup of Bael pulp with a teaspoon of jaggery as a remedy for constipation.

Roasted Fennel Seeds

It acts as a laxative when fennel seeds are taken at bedtime with a glass of warm water.it helps in promoting the production of gastric enzymes.

Figs or Anjeer

Soak 2 -3 figs in water overnight and have it empty stomach in the morning. Figs have a very high fibre contentd due to which it aids in easy digestion and treat constipation easily.

Important Points:

Have more than 5 glasses of water in the morning.herbal teas like green tea or chamomile tea that can help boost digestion.

Intake of High Fibre diet everyday.

Exercise daily for atleast 30 minutes to kick start the digestion process in your body.

1 comment:

  1. Anjeer are good for reducing constipation problem and also helps to reduce piles problem. If you are having piles then take piles herbal supplements
